Hello Fashionistas!!
It's not about the Brand, its about Style! And because of that its that today I'm really excited to talk to you about my new partnership with an online store that I been loving for quite some time now. Probably a year or so ago I was browsing through the Internet for different and quality fashion pieces that wouldn't leave me broke when I tried to buy them. It was then when I found SheInside. SheInside.com is one of the leading online stores boasting high quality clothes and other fashionable accessories since 2008. They offer you great quality clothing pieces, and accessories that are also very affordable and easy to order.
Perhaps you're bored of hanging out and totally want to avoid embarrassment among others who happen to dress in the same style and color. Or if you’re on your way to look for something new, then you’re at the right place. SheInside provides the latest (almost daily) clothing in women’s fashion from the high-streets of London, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai &New York at a favorable price. You will see while browsing their web page that they have a great variety of the latest and most fashionable clothing. Whether you like flirty girly dresses, a more rocker look, kimonos, bandage skirts, maxi dresses, mini skirts, blazers or cardigans you will find something for you on this web page; SheInside has something for every style, look and budget. Also, a great perk that they have its that if you create a profile you can later uploads photos of your outfits so people can see how they look on real people. I mean, how many times we have seen something online but wonder how its the item going to look on a non-model woman with regular lights and make up and probably no filter = REAL LIFE! Well with SheInside you don't have to wonder since you will have the opportunity to see how most of their items look on real people. Also they have a point system, where you make points from uploading pictures and for every dollar that you spend with them, this points are later redeemable for goodies! Who doesn't like some free cute pieces??!
Please take a look below at my most recent loved items from their page, in no specific order. Let me know which one you like and if you have tried SheInside before! Remember, with SheInside.com your possibilities are endless!
Happy Styling!!